The cigar Montecristo Edmundo Reserva Cosecha 2018 is fashioned from the most exquisite tobacco leaves, meticulously selected from Cuba’s prestigious 2018 harvest. Every distinctive feature of this cigar lies in its perfectly ripened leaves, offering connoisseurs a tasting experience that is both complex and harmonious.
Dominated by nuances of leather and coffee, the Montecristo Edmundo Reserva Cosecha 2018reveals a subtle, perfectly balanced sweetness, giving this cigar great depth without ever becoming overpowering.
The cigar Montecristo Edmundo Reserva Cosecha 2018 is a Robusto module. It measures 135 mm in length and has a diameter of 20.6 mm (52 ring gauge). Smoking time for this cigar is estimated at 45 – 60 minutes, allowing you to fully savor the aromatic subtleties of this exceptional cigar.
With only 5,000 numbered tins available, Montecristo Edmundo Reserva Cosecha 2018 is a true rarity, considered a must-have collector’s item for discerning enthusiasts.